lunes, 22 de julio de 2013


In this post I would like to talk about caps and chullos , fashion accessories that most people wear specially in winter time.

Raffa proposes  each winter  this complements creating different designs inspired in the Peruvian Culture and combine them with alpaca fiber.
Colorful flowers are also another pattern that Raffa designers  propose for this fashionable garments.

Chullos are another style of cap ,  very well known all over  this years because most designers include them  in their collections.

The history of the chullos started a long time ago.  It is an Andean style of cap with earflaps, in Aymara is called ch´ullu . this cute garment is very practical to use in very low temperatures to cover the ears and keep warm the whole area of the head.

People can combine these  accessories  with gloves and scarfs
Remember to use caps and chullos  specially in winter season that is coming very soon!!

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